JS — [].forEach.call(NodeList) hack — Array-like object
2 min readAug 23, 2018
A node list is not an array!
A node list may look like an array, but it is not.
You can loop through the node list and refer to its nodes like an array.
However, you cannot use Array Methods, like valueOf(), push(), pop(), or join() on a node list.
letterList = slide.querySelectorAll('.el');
var letters = [];
for (var i = letterList.length; i--;) { // reverse
}//orthis.slides = [];
var self = this;[].slice.call(this.el.querySelectorAll('.slide')).forEach(function(slide) {self.slides.push(new Slide(slide)); //each .element and TextFx in Array});
- added 03–09 -Array-like object
- I found this [Array.from] while i exam other’s code
- array.from — return an array objects
- - array-like objects (objects with a
property and indexed elements) or - iterable objects (objects where you can get its elements, such as
const DOM = {};
DOM.contentElems = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.content-wrap'));
DOM.contentLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.content__link'));
--------------<div class="text">
<script>var myArr = Array.from("ABCDEFG");
var textWrapper = document.querySelector('.text');
var _textAll = textWrapper.querySelectorAll('span');
var _text = [].slice.call(textWrapper.querySelectorAll('span'));var _textArr = Array.from(textWrapper.querySelectorAll('span'));console.log('text-all',_textAll)
_text[0].style.color = 'green';console.log('text-slice.call',_text)
_text[1].style.color = 'red';console.log('text-array.from',_textArr)
_textArr[2].style.color = 'blue';document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = myArr;</script>//
text-all NodeList(4) [span, span, span, span] // this is only nodeList
text-slice.call (4) [span, span, span, span]
text-array.from (4) [span, span, span, span]
#array.forEach(function(currentValue, index, arr), thisValue)
- in reverse